Friday, September 11, 2009

Eat Local, Buy Local, Be Local

This afternoon I had the pleasure of attending my first Cortland Women Working Together (WWT) luncheon. The theme of this month’s luncheon was “Eat Local, Buy Local, Be Local”. The luncheon was held at Linani’s in Homer where they took care to use many local foods in their preparation of our meal. Lisa Lickona, co-founder of the East End Farmers Market located in Cortland, was the guest speaker. Lisa focused her talk around some of the many reasons she has become a local foods advocate. The ideas Lisa shared in her thought provoking presentation initiated many discussions and encouraged several individuals to stay and chat afterwards.

One of the ideas that came to light was the idea of local women sharing their knowledge about growing, purchasing, and preserving local food. Several questions (some shared below) were asked by different attendees during these discussions. I have had (and are still asking) many of these same questions. Some, I have addressed in previous blog entries and other resources that I have provided on this blog. However I, too, would enjoy hearing additional responses to these and other questions. I haven't been gardening in Cortland County for very long. I am still learning quite a bit about what grows well in my very wet clay soil on top of a windy hill. I am continually experimenting to find out what varieties of vegetables to grow, how many to grow (oh - I guess 12 zucchini plants might have been a few too many) and what soil additives (like compost, and SAND - LOTS OF SAND) I need to add to help things grow well (like straight rather than crooked carrots). The questions I share below are meant to encourage further discussion and to elicit responses, comments, and additional questions posted here on this blog. This way we can all learn together.

To get us started, some questions include:

- What varieties of vegetables that grow well in different parts of Cortland County?
- How do I know what soil conditions I have?
- What planting zone am I?
- Where should I buy seeds?
- What kind of plant seeds should I buy?
- How many seeds do you plant to feed your own family?
- Where are the local farmers markets and farm stands located?
- How can I find and sign on with a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture)?

Then once we gather the local produce other questions arise such as:

- How do I cook new types of vegetables?
- How can I preserve my produce?
- How do I can, freeze, dry, and pickle produce?
- Do I need a root cellar to store vegetables long term?
- Where can I go to learn these skills?
- What books and resources are there to help me?

Luckily for our community, there are plenty of women in Cortland County who have expertise in these areas. For example, Heather Birdsall, of the Cortland County Cooperative Extension shared at the luncheon that they have a staff member who has gone through extensive training on proper techniques of food preservation and their office will be providing workshops.

As i said before, I’d like to also offer up this blog as a mechanism for sharing success stories, failures (like the late blight that took so many of our tomatoes this year), ideas, expertise, and a device for offering up encouragement to each other as we each work to better our community. Along the right side of the blog I have been listing local food sources as I locate them. I would encourage anyone to write that has additional resources and local food sources. Also please post things in the comment section of this and any other entry and feel free to - ask questions, post answers, and add comments.


  1. Beth, these questions are great--they touch on all the important issues to engage. I hope that we can get some kind of conversation going here in Cortland!

    One thing I will say about the blight. My "Matt's Wild Cherry" tomatoes (seeds I got from Seeds of Change) have been carrying on for weeks despite the fact that they have blight lesions. I didn't get out to the garden today after yesterday's rains, and I am curious as to whether they have succumbed yet!

  2. Hi Lisa,

    Our Chadwick Cherry tomatoes (also from Seeds of Change) produced quite well, maintained flavor and texture this year, too - and hung on well past when the blight had taken our other tomatoes.

  3. I agree... In fact, buying local help in our economy. I would love to share this with my friends too... When you buy local it's really nice to help your fellow Americans as well. I would share this information to my friends too.
    Marketplace to buy local
