The Cortland area was hopping today with quite a bit going on. It is Alumni Weekend for SUNY Cortland. For downtown Cortland it was the sidewalk sale, the downtown farmers market, and "Taste of Downtown". In Homer, it was their annual "Holiday in Homer". And of course being Saturday morning, I made my usual trip down to the
East End Farmers Market in Dexter Park.

Once again I found wonderful purchases, listed to some great music, and was able to catch up with a few friends while there. I bumped into Kathy Arnold of
Twin Oaks Dairy (where you can go in Truxton to purchase organic raw milk) who was going to give the natural cleaner from
Lime Hollow Naturals a try and was hitting up Buried Treasures Organic Farm for some organic strawberries. I found some great tasting carrots from
Buried Treasures Organic Farm from Groton, NY; purchased some cucumbers (also very tasty) from
Dayspring farm out of Locke, NY; captured some cheery sunflowers from Lisa Lickona of
Red Rose Farm in McGraw, NY; and choose some organically grown coffee beans from
Coffee Mania. I also purchased a Pennyroyal plant from Karl Frost of
Frosty Morning Farm in Truxton. Karl has a great selection of perennials and herbs. Pennyroyal has a great scent and as Karl explained, is used as a natural insect repellent. I am looking forward to planting it and giving it a try. In addition, I picked up some more of the granulated maple sugar from
S & S Syrup of Marathon, NY; and touched base with Sean Duffy of Rising Moon/Setting Sun, a new CSA in East Freetown. He plans to invite potential customers out to the farm in a few weeks to have an "open house" so people can see the operation. He had some nice looking new potatoes and other items for sale at the market this week.
I also chatted with Kristin Avery of
Lime Hollow Naturals about how word is getting out that there is a "green" community in Cortland that want locally made and natural products and local organic and gently grown/raised produce, dairy, eggs, and meat. I think the East End Farmers Market is helping us to find each other. From Kristin I choose to purchase some great smelling natural soap (Eucalyptus and Lemon Grass) and a "refill" bottle for the natural cleaner (rosemary and lavender scent is my favorite) that works so well.
To end this entry, I'd like to thank Tom Lickona for letting me use the photos he took at the East End Farmers Market on my blog.
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