First, make sure that you plan to attend a great workshop for gardeners to be held April 9th from 8:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Port Watson Mini-Conference Center (131 Port Watson Street, Cortland)! For only $5 you can attend workshops on food preservation (by Chris Applegate!), vegetable growing, native and alien plants, and summer perennials. The keynote speaker is Elaine Norris speaking on "Growing Your Own Food" Please call the Seven Valleys Health Coalition at (607) 756-4198 to register ASAP or go to their website where you can download the registration form
Second, there will be some sustainability related events announcements soon from both the SUNY Cortland Sustainability Week Planning Committee and the Sustainability Track. Multiple movie and speaker events are being planned. So please stay tuned for more info.
Third, Fresh From The Farm! Saturdays, April 9 - May 14, 9 am - 2 pm, Little York Farms, LLC, 5668 US Route 11, Homer (3 miles north of Homer Village). A NEW opportunity to buy locally grown food!
Local pasture-raised beef - CNY Beef
- Herb plants - Frosty Morning Farm
- Baked goods - Chris Applegate
- Free range eggs - Barbara Clark
- Semi-soft cheese - Kelley McGarr
- Homemade beef soups - Kory’s Place
- Sweet baked goods - Fleurette Clough
- Real maple syrup - Delavan Farms
- Honey - various vendors
- Adding more vendors weekly!
Spring is on the way - someday:)